Blue Sky Peptides Legit? Full Review Including Crucial Information You Need To Know


Blue Sky peptides have sold SARMs and peptides were number of years through a website based in the USA.

They used to be reputable and sold high-quality research chemicals. However, that trust and reliability has dipped considerably in the past couple of years.

I used to buy from them but I don’t any more, and in this review I want to explain why.

I’ll tell you exactly who they are, and what they sell. Explain the SARMs situation, and what the purity and quality is actually like right now.

I’ll conclude this review by telling you about who I use instead my SARMs and peptides, so that you can compare them should you decide that Blue Sky peptides aren’t as legit as you would like.

Who Are Blue Sky Peptides & Can You Trust Them?

Blue Sky peptides have been around for quite a few years. They had strong brand and trust, but it’s not there any more.

The website is a standard magento shopping cart site. Off-the-shelf, outdated, and pretty uninspiring. It’s been exactly the same since I last bought from them three years ago, and it was outdated even then.

There’s also a lack of information on the website. However, they do talk about providing bulk/wholesale research chemicals and I’ll talk more about that in a little while.

So Is Blue Sky Peptides Legit?

Blue Sky used to be trustworthy and were well talked about amongst bodybuilding communities for SARMs and peptides.

However, that reputation has taken a huge dent in the past two years.

This is down to some accusations around purity. There’s a lot of discussion around poor results, or not feeling any changes at all after several cycles.

Also, some people claim that they were watered down, stating that their own independent lab test came back as low in purity, lower than was claimed.

Others have actually claimed they were made ill by the SARMs and peptides the company sell.

So in terms of risk, Blue Sky are now high risk, when compared to the medium risk of most SARMs and peptides sellers.

Is Blue Sky peptides legit? Undoubtedly, and they appear to even make the peptides to sell wholesale for resale, but there are definitely legitimate concerns out there.

Do Blue Sky Sell SARMs?

Blue Sky used to be one of the biggest and best SARMs sellers based in the USA.

However, they don’t sell SARMs at all now. The only reason for that can be because of the Chinese SARMs ban.

The legal status in the USA hasn’t changed, so there’s no reason for them to stop selling them in the USA.

So it’s obvious that Blue Sky imported SARMs from China. Since that supplies drying up, they’ve just decided to stop selling them and focus on peptides.

They claim to make bulk peptides for wholesale purposes. They even have an option on the enquiry form for people looking for custom peptide synthesis services. Basically, making completely new peptides for sale.

Looking at the evidence of the fact that the SARMs they bought were obviously from China, I struggle to believe that they would ignore the money from SARMs that they could from making them in the USA, to focus on making peptides from scratch.

So my belief is that the peptides they sell wholesale are actually synthesized in China as well, and they merely have a relationship with a factory/lab there to produce them on demand, and even create new variants.

The Peptides That Blue Sky Sell Explained

Blue Sky peptides therefore now only now sell peptides, no SARMs at all.

A couple of the peptides they sell are as close as you can get to anabolic steroid strength and effects without actually being them.

At the time of writing this review they sell six blended peptides, although two of those are out of stock. Not a particularly impressive range.

They also sell “catalogue research chemicals”. Not peptides, but very similar, along with related substances.

They sell 15 different sorts of general research chemicals, including clomiphene, raloxifene, and clenbuterol.

What’s The Quality Like?

This is where my trust simply bottomed out. If I’d been considering an order, even with the desperate discounting I will talk about in a moment, I wouldn’t based on looking at the purity reports.

Sure, there are purity reports. But they often don’t bear any resemblance to the product you are buying, it’s just a hot mess.

As an example, I looked at Tadalafil. Sure, you get purity reports on the product page, under the tab titled “reports”.

But that’s where the good news ends. There are three reports relating directly to Tadalafil: certificate of analysis, HPLC and mass spectrum analysis.

But none of them are dated later than February 2021. So over a year out of date, and I can’t believe that the batches they are currently selling are over a year old. So it doesn’t appear that they have current purity reports for what they have on sale.

Worse, and bizarrely, some of the product purity reports bear no resemblance to the product that you are looking at.

Again, under the Tadalafil reports tab, there are listed purity reports for two SARMs: GW-501516 and RAD-140.

It’s the same across the entire peptide range they sell. Out of date reports, no reports at all, or reports from random unrelated products (that are also a year or more outdated).

Put all that together, and to be honest, you would be absolutely nuts trusting this company in terms of purity or reliability, let alone constructing wholesale products for you to sell.

Online Reviews From Users Of Blue Sky Peptides

Online reviews Blue Sky peptides are also pretty sketchy.

Is Blue Sky peptides legit? Not based on my own research, and not based on other online reviews.

I see the words scam, cheap, fake, and unreliable, typed an awful lot in relation to this company.

The problem is that Blue Sky draw people in because of huge discounts.

Currently, at the time of writing this review, they have a “buy one get one free” offer on some peptides, and a “buy two get one free” offer on most others.

If you buy large quantities the prices dip dramatically. By 50 of some of their products and you’ll get an 80% discount, knocking the prices down from around $40 to just seven dollars.

It’s enticing, but how the hell can they make a profit that those bulk prices? What on earth other practices in place to be able to sell that such quantity and make a profit, it seems like junk to me.

So the problem is that people get enticed by the low prices, but then complain that they are getting no effects. There seem to be purity problems, and it leads to huge online trust problems.

Alternatives To Blue Sky For Both Peptides And SARMs

Originally, blue skies seem to have been reputable. There are people saying how good they were, and I bought SARMs from them a few years back as well.

But now they seem to have completely cashed out on quality. I wouldn’t trust these guys.

There are claims around under dosing, purity concerns, a lack of effects, and even people feeling unwell.

When you look at the massive discounting, and the fact that they can supply wholesale at up to 90% retail discount, and it all just feels very risky to me.

I don’t see the point in taking the risk when there are other reputable SARMs and peptides sellers out there that have got great track record, current purity reports, and a large customer base that consistently talks about good results.

The first alternative is If you’re in the market for SARMs, peptides, or nootropics, you’ll probably have seen these guys already, and probably bought from them.

Prices are the same as Blue Sky many instances, quality is higher, and you get cast-iron purity guarantees.

You can save money with raw powder, or get the premixed SARMs liquids at a slightly higher price.

The second alternative is Swiss Chems. Ignore the name, they are based in the USA as well.

They sell SARMs, peptides, and PCT supplements. You can get convenient capsules, and injectable vials for the peptides.

Swiss Chems also sell PCT supplements, and some sexual health chemicals as well, so well worth checking out in detail.

Blue Sky Peptides Review Conclusion

I don’t think you have to be a genius to work out what the review of my conclusion is.

For me, Blue Sky peptides were legitimate, went downhill, and right now have so many red flags that I can’t recommend them at all.

Just based on the incomplete, and downright false, purity reports on each product page, you shouldn’t be trusting the products they sell.

And anyway, if you can ignore the low prices, and pay a little more, there are two really good quality SARMs and peptides sellers out there that I have just recommended, which would be far less risky for you in terms of parting with your money, and trusting with your physical health.