I want to talk to you today about movement disorders and keeping fit. Now I’m not talking about serious diseases like Parkinson’s. That’s a serious case where you will be advised by doctors and specialists on fitness routines.
Though I do want to cover is minor movement disorders where you have nerve damage. This is something I was diagnosed with as a result of diabetes about five years ago. I had to adjust my gym routine slightly, and I want to talk to you about how I did that.
There are literally millions of people around the world who suffer from minor movement disorders due to problems with nerve damage.
But more than that, I want to cover neuroprotective supplements as well. Because if they are neuroprotective, then they can minimize the damage you are doing when you are unaware of conditions developing. They can at least minimize the problem until you get diagnosed.
Safe & Easy To Use Neuroprotective Supplements
There are plenty of easy-to-use neuroprotective supplements out there, some recommended for all sorts of conditions and as a preventative measure.
One of the things which is used most often is fish oil. The omega-3 is neuroprotective and fantastic brain food. You can get that supplement pretty much anywhere.
Any food or supplement which is an antioxidant will work well. Blueberries are a fantastic natural antioxidant for example. Also, some smart drugs (nootropics) can also act as strong antioxidants and neuroprotective supplements (racetams).
Taking vitamins can really help to protect yourself as well. Vitamin a has been strongly linked in studies to having neuroprotective properties as well.
Another simple substance that has been having surprising results scientifically in the past few years is turmeric. However, we are not just talking about turmeric that you buy in the supermarket, we are talking about curcumin.
Curcumin is an extract from turmeric. It’s been found in numerous studies to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, neuroprotective, and even anti-cancer properties (although that’s very tenuous at present).
Neuroprotection can also be increased through the use of 5HTP and Macuna Pruriens as well. Both of those also boost serotonin levels, increasing positivity and determination.
And surprisingly, a chemical classed as a SARM, a selective androgen receptor modulator, has also been linked with neuroprotective properties.
Its alphanumeric is SR-9009 (and also SR-9011), more commonly known in the bodybuilding community as Stenabolic.
However, it’s not actually a SARM at all. SR-9009 works as a REV-ERBa agonist. It has been shown in some studies to have neuroprotective qualities, reversing mitochondrial damage and promoting an anti-inflammatory response.
“This suggests Rev-erbα not only inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines but also promotes the anti-inflammatory response”
Keeping Fit And Healthy Can Stop The Progression Of Ill-Health
It’s never too late to start working out. I’ve known guys in their 60s who have benefited massively from losing weight, increasing muscle mass, and strengthening their cardiovascular system.
If you are suffering from a progressive nerve disorder, or in fact any condition, then physical exercise will almost always help to minimize not only the effects but also in many cases it’s been proven to minimize progression speed.
That’s certainly the case with things like Parkinson’s, where exercise has been shown to significantly slow the progression of the disease. This is common with many others as well.
If you are suffering from a minor problem, such as I was after nerve damage from diabetes, then it shouldn’t really cause any problems other than minor reflex problems, pain, and faster exhaustion.
But if you are sensible, and you work out hard down the gym, using a good routine, and back it up with a good general diet and cardiovascular work, then it’s perfectly possible to significantly strengthen every physical body system.
What Sort Of Working Out Should You Be Doing?
My advice is going to be to start gently. In fact, many gyms will give you free advice so I would start with that, and if you are in advised by a doctor, take that into account. The physiotherapist will also be able to give advice.
A gentle routine will really help. Don’t push yourself hard physically, in the beginning, it’s more about stretching and building your strength and endurance.
You’ll also need to do cardio. That can be really gentle like long brisk walks, and if you can go beyond that, intermittent jogging and walking, working yourself up to a steady jog over a mile or two.
When it comes to weights, take it slow and steady. Just do some basic sets to build your core strength.
Also, don’t rule out bodyweight exercises. Crunches and sit-ups are superb, as is planking.
Put together, over a few weeks you can definitely enhance your physical strength to the point where you can then push on further. Never go too fast, never push yourself too hard, especially if you do have neurological damage problems because you could make them worse.
However, it definitely will help, and not only that but if you’re feeling blue, the releasing of endorphins and increased energy will perk you up and help you to be more positive in your outlook.
Finally, I’ll just talk about bodybuilding supplements. Not just for bodybuilding though, but for keeping fit as well.
Especially if you are older, you may be suffering from minor testosterone depletion. You can get really good natural testosterone boosting supplements that can definitely help to increase your testosterone levels which will benefit you in many ways, including feeling better.
This office is in the case if you are female, but balance in estrogen can be a problem, and especially if you have been through menopause, you will probably be taking advice on that anyway.
To put together, use bodybuilding supplements, natural antioxidants, neuroprotective supplements, and back that all up with a progressive gym and general exercise routine, backed up by a great diet and plenty of rest as well.